C0094.MP4 snapshot 00.03 2024.05.14 18.46.13

The fuel system of the airplane engine is one of the most complex parts of the accessories, so the fuel system is called the heart of the engine, and the most important part of it is the fuel control system called Fuel Control Unit (FCU).
This system consists of many parts and its task is to ignite and burn the fuel in the combustion chamber, which creates thrust in the turbine engines and finally makes the AIRCRAFT fly.

From the beginning of the aircraft’s movement and take-off until the moment of the  landing, this system is constantly adjusting and transferring fuel, preventing engine stall and the best fuel consumption conditions.

Among the important parts of this system, we can mention the pumps, manifold, fuel injection nozzle, fuel control unit, valves, etc.
Iranian Mahaan Airic Company, with its elite and trained personnel, has been able to provide great assistance to the country’s airlines in this area.

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