

iranian mahaan airic(IMA)

Introduction of services and capabilities

 Iranian Mahaan Airic Company (IMA) was established in 2018 with the efforts of a group of elites and experts. By relying on the knowledge, abilities, efforts and the perseverance of it’s committed employees, it was able to emerge as a level one knowledge-based company in the field of aviation industry and has 4 main departments including:


 * Maintenance and engineering services
  * Design and manufacturing services
 * Training, consulting & establishing organizational systems
  * Parts and materials Supply

 IMA offers high-quality, accurate & fast services to airlines and other customers according to the technical publications and arrangement through benefiting from its qualified, well-trained, and motivated experts and by establishing quality system, human resources management, and Business Process Management (BPM).

  This knowledge-based company, by obtaining the necessary approval from the Civil Aviation Authority of Iran(CAA.IR), has been able to become an approved maintenance organization in the aviation field.

Our goal is to become a role-model in Iran’s aviation industry. We also seek to establish our position in the region and in the world through innovation and enhancing the quality, reducing service delivery time, and customer satisfaction.

  This company intends to interact with the world as much as possible by promoting productivity, sustainable growth, developing the domestic market and exporting products and services, and provide optimal support to the aviation and other industries.

In the following, some of the capabilities of this company are introduced:

Maintenance & engineering

Services such as testing, repair and overhaul or overhaul of all types of parts are performed by specialized, trained and experienced people with the most up-to-date equipment and tools.

Click on the top picture for more information

Design & manufacturing

Designing and manufacturing all kinds of testing devices and special tools for each part for different workshops, as well as consumable parts such as   o-rings and packing with global standards, allows us to provide high-quality services at a high speed.

Click on the top picture for more information

Parts & materials supplying

  Supplying spare parts and consumables from the manufacturer has a tremendous impact on the quality and speed of the services provided. By supplying these parts, we guarantee the quality of our services.

Click on the top picture for more information

Training,consulting & stablishing

  This company, relying on the knowledge of modern human resource management, Quality Management Standards and Business Process Management (BPM), not only has been establishing them in the company but also offers them to other companies.

 Click on the top picture for more information

Certifications :

As a level one knowledge-based company, Iranian Mahaan Airic Company is proud to give a new life to the country’s air fleet by obtaining the certificate of the aircraft maintenance center from the Civil Aviation Organization, in line with the maintenance and repair of all types of aircraft parts.

 Click on each certificate to see it.

Capabilities :

Relying on the knowledge and experience of our experts, we are always trying to be more dynamic and extensive in providing services. Click on the related image to get the list of capabilities.

General introduction to the maintenance and engineering workshops of IMA

کارگاه electric و الکترونیک شرکت مهان آیریک ایرانیان

Electric & Electronic workshop

In this workshop, repairs of parts such as generators, switches, computers, smoke detectors, ice sensors and various other parts are completely done.

تست ماسک اکسیژن خلبان و خدمه

Crew Oxygen Mask workshop

This workshop has the ability to perform tests and repairs on all types of pilot and crew masks of passenger planes and related parts such as valves and regulators or radio parts.

دستگاه تست انواع قطعات نیوماتیکی و ایرکاندیشنی

Accessory workshop

All kinds of accessories system parts that are specially tested and repaired in this workshop.

هیدرولیک شاپ

Hydraulic workshop

All kinds of parts and hydraulic systems are specially tested and repaired in this workshop.


کارگاه تست IDG,CSD,GEN

AC Generator,CSD,& IDG workshop

IDG, CSD, GEN test workshop is designed to test new or repaired AC generator, constant speed drive (CSD) and integrated drive generator.

دستگاه تست کنترل کننده سوخت

Fuel workshop

Engine and aircraft parts fuel workshop provides repairs and testing of the fuel control system of APU engines and some aircraft engines.

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